ROTLD GUEST CLU GULAGER MONROEVILLE JULY 2-4 2021 Return of the Living Dead Zombie Killer

Clu Gulager Guest Return of the Living Dead Monroeville Mall Pittsburgh PA Zombie Capital Living Dead Weekend

SpookyDazGuest Monroeville

Welcome our next guest Mr. Clu Gulager to the Living Dead Weekend. Clu starred in Return of the Living Dead as Burt Wilson who owned the Uneeda Medical Supply Company, and hits the undead cadaver in the head with a pick axe. Clu also starred in A Nightmare on Elm Street part 2 – Freddy’s Revenge as the father of Jesse Walsh, and recently in Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood”. Clu has over 160 acting credits to his name going back to the 1950’s, he has had roles in many 80’s hit TV series, including “Knight Rider”, “Street Hawk”, “The Fall Guy”, “Airwolf” and “Magnum, P.I.” Clu will be with us in the Monroeville Mall for our Return of the Living Dead Reunion all weekend and he’s gonna knock your god-damn block off! 🧟‍♂️

It’s the Living Dead Weekend: Monroeville

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#Zombies #FridayThe13th #ROTLD #SeeYouInMonroeville
#ElmStreet #Uneeda