Joedda McClain in George Romero’s SEASON OF THE WITCH Guest at Evans City Living Dead Weekend

SpookyDazGuest Evans City

Making her first convention appearance is our next guest Joedda McClain. Joedda portrayed Nikki Mitchell the daughter of Joan Mitchell in George Romero’s SEASON OF THE WITCH, which was alternately released as HUNGRY WIVES. She is also the face on many theatrical posters, video posters, VHS tapes, and DVD versions of the movie. Joedda also informed us that she filmed two scenes in THE CRAZIES, but it seems that her scenes were left on the cutting room floor, since we can’t spot her in the movie at all. She will be appearing all three days of the Living Dead Weekend: Evans City, but will have limited availability and only be there 10am-2pm on Saturday. Be sure to come out and see her, get your posters and other personal items signed, and find out a little bit more about her work on these films. She is excited to meet all of the fans of these films.

Joedda McClain joins us for The Living Dead Weekend in the Home of the Living Dead – Evans City, PA. September 27-29, 2019.

Featuring Film Location tours, film screenings, Q&As, Vendors and a full weekend town festival of pop-culture and spooky family fun!

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