Much like the plots of the fictional films we celebrate at Living Dead Museum, the world has thrown a curve-ball at us,
disrupting our Spring Horror Convention season with a series of cancelled events.
Highlighted here is some of our exclusive merchandise that we had planned to offer for sale at those events
in hopes that our customers that will still be able to access them.
Most of the funding to keep the museum and our events running comes from sales at these cancelled events.
click the link to visit our online store at for these and much more exclusive Living Dead merchandise,
as purchases made online now will be a great help. Thanks!
- Pittsburgh Zombie Capital of the World Bridge Horde T-Shirt
- Night of the Living Dead Karen Cooper T-Shirt
- DAWN OF THE DEAD “No More Room” Exclusive T-Shirt
- Official DAWN OF THE DEAD 40th Anniversary Exclusive Hoodie
- Living Dead Weekend Horror Crap Shirt & Enamel Pin Combo
- NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD Enamel Photo Scene Pins Set of Four
- DAY OF THE DEAD Licensed Logo T-Shirt
- Night of the Living Dead Poster Art T-Shirt
- Evans City “Zombie Ground Zero” T-Shirt
- Boss Up Here NOTLD Ben T-Shirt
- Creepshow Father’s Day Cake T-Shirt by Frightrags