Horror Guest Terry Alexander MONROEVILLE JULY 2-4 2021 Day of the Dead Living Dead Weekend George Romero Zombie Horror Convention

Terry Alexander guest at Living Dead Weekend George Romero’s Day of the Dead Monroeville Mall Zombie Horror Con

SpookyDazGuest Monroeville

Lets hear it for Terry Alexander who joins our Day of the Dead guest line up at the Living Dead Weekend: Monroeville . Terry starred as John, the easy going helicopter pilot in Day of the Dead, all he wanted to do was fly the whirly-bird, but he ended up being the hero of the movie, flying off to the promise land to get juiced up and spend what time he got left soakin’ up some sunshine! Terry has worked in the entertainment industry since the 1960’s and starred in lots of TV shows including “Hill Street Blues”, “Law & Order” and “NYPD Blue”. Terry can also be seen in along side Mel Gibson in the 1997 movie “Conspiracy Theory”. Terry will join us in the Monroeville Mall all weekend. If you ain’t on board when that happens, you’re likely to have a lousy afternoon.

It’s the Living Dead Weekend: Monroeville

Website – www.thelivingdeadweekend.com/
Facebook – www.facebook.com/groups/thelivingdeadweekend/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/ZombieMuseum

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