The Living Dead Weekend in the Monroeville Mall.!
July 2-4 2021
Welcome Mr. Thom Mathews as our guest for the first time, and part of our Return of the Living Dead reunion! Thom starred as Freddy in Return of the Living Dead as one of the bumbling employees at the Uneeda medical supply warehouse, who accidentally releases a deadly Trioxin gas into the air. Thom also RETURNED for the sequel of ROTLD, where he played Joey, a bumbling grave robber along side his original ROTLD co-star James Karen.
Thom had another well known role as Tommy Jarvis in Friday the 13th Part 6, where he goes to the graveyard to get rid of Jason Voorhees’ body once and for all, but inadvertently reanimates the corpse. Thom joins us all weekend in the Monroeville Mall, just keep him away from those canisters in the basement!

Thom Mathews Friday the 13th VI Tommy Jarvis Jason Vorhees Grave Stone
its the Living Dead Weekend: Monroeville
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